Earth and territorial department
Information, Mathematics and Technology department
Social sciences department
Law, B.A.
Social worker, B.A.
Geography and Law, B.A.
History, B.A.
+ 509 33 24 54 33
+509 49 15 75 61
93, Route du Canapé-Vert, Port-au-Prince, Haïti
Law, B.A.
Social worker, B.A.
Geography and Law, B.A.
History, B.A.
Educations studies, B.A.
Education, teaching and social sciences, B.A.
Education, Sciences and Technology, B.A.
Mathematics for Education
Special education, M.A.
Education is the most powerful weapon for changing the world. It is not about a title or an arts designation to be a leader.
Nous offrons un environnement sûr, enrichissant et stimulant dans lequel cette culture de l’excellence peut s’épanouir, permettant aux étudiants de découvrir et de réaliser l’immense potentiel qui sommeille en eux.
93, Roure du Canapé-Vert, Port-au-Prince, Haïti