Business department
- Accounting, B.A.
- Economy, B.A.
- Project management, M.A.
Earth and territorial department
- Geography, B.A.
- Agronomy, B.A.
- Management of territories, risks and crises, M.A.
Information, Mathematics and Technology
- Computer sciences, B.S.
- Web developer, Certificate
- Statistical, B.S.
Social sciences department
- Law, B.A.
- Social worker, B.A.
- Geography and Law, B.A.
- History, B.A.
- European colonizations and slavery in the Americas, M.A.
Education department
- Educations studies, B.A.
- English as a second language, B.A.
- Education, teaching and social sciences, B.A.
- Education, M.A.
- Education, teaching and history, M.A.
- Education, teaching and geography, M.A.
Natural sciences and health
- Nursing, B.A.